Not Available in Bulk

BIOGOLD White Embossed Biodegradable Film



Weight: 960 oz.

Category: Mulch Plastic

It looks and lays like standard mulch plastic . No special laying instructions . No special storage instructions . White BioGold is black on the inside and white on the outside . Color is a muted white . Helps to keep the crop cooler . BioGold relies on the microbes in the soil to biodegrade the plastic . BioGold is light and heat stable . BioGold is designed for one crop . After harvest, just disc BioGold into the soil. BioGold will continue to biodegrade until just soil is left . Save time, labor and the enviroment . 4' x 5,000' x .9 Mil

BIOGOLD White Embossed Biodegradable Film


SKU: BBFW45 Categories: ,