Not Available in Bulk

Exirel Insecticide ( 1 gal )



Weight: 130 oz.

Category: Insecticides

Exirel Insecticide ( 1 gal )


When used early in the growing season, Exirel® insect control powered by Cyazypyr® active protects numerous crops from insect feeding damage and suppresses key insect-vectored diseases, resulting in healthier plants that deliver high-quality, high-yielding crops at harvest.

Labeled on almond, citrus, tree fruit, tobacco and vegetable crops, Exirel insect control protects against key pests including Lepidoptera, Dipteran leafminers, fruit flies, beetles, weevils, whiteflies, thrips, aphids and psyllids with no cross-resistance to existing chemistries. It also offers unique, cross-spectrum activity, helping to conserve key predators and parasitoids without causing secondary pest flares such as mites.

SKU: INSEXI Categories: ,