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Plastic Mulch Lifter

$2290.00 - $215.00

Category: Mulch Lifter

Plastic Mulch Lifter


Plastic Mulch Lifters are designed to lift plastic . Heavy Duty category 2, 3 point Hookup. A 50+hp tractor is required to operate it . The Lif550S has hydraulic reset cylinders which make it ideal for rocky ground . The Lif500S is a lower cost lifter that has shear bolt protection . This one is ideal for farmers who have sandy ground with little or no rocks .

The optional Center Cutting Disk is designed to cut vines apart for easier removal of the plastic .

Lifts 3′ to 5′ wide plastic . Has depth control wheels and straight trash/vine cutting disks


Drop shipped from our vendor . Expect 2-3 week lead times .

Shipped via Motor Freight . Call for current pricing .

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