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Aegis Tec Enviromental Controller



Weight: 160 oz.

Category: Greenhouse Supplies & Misc

Aegis Tec is an all in one touchscreen controllers make it easy to automate your ventilation motors, fans, and heaters! Easy to understand, program and maintain . They come equipped with climate and timed controls with optional weather and humidity overrides . Solar powered options available

Aegis Tec Enviromental Controller


Aegis Features:

  • User- friendly touchscreen interface
  • Single growing zone design
  • Easy set-up for various heating and cooling schemes
  • Simple to program set points, vent drive run times, and sensor reading intervals
  • Provides power to up to three (3) 24V DC vent motors
  • Controls motors, fans, heaters, HAF’s, CO2 generators, dehumidifiers, etc.
  • Wind, rain, and humidity sensor and override options
  • DIF growing and light deprivation ready
  • Independent manual override
  • Resettable circuit breaker for motor protection